
Membership Categories

1. Annual membership fee for private companies and registered profit-organisations:

  • CHF 5’000 for large companies (>250 employees, >70 mio CHF annual turnover)
  • CHF 3’000 for medium-sized Swiss based companies (<250 employees, <70 mio CHF annual turnover)
  • CHF 2’000 for medium-sized Africa based companies (<250 employees, <70 mio CHF annual turnover)
  • CHF 2’000 for small-sized Swiss based companies (<50 employees, <14 mio
  • CHF annual turnover)
  • CHF 1’200 for small-sized Africa based companies (<50 employees, <14 mio CHF annual turnover)

2. Annual membership fee for associations, individuals and non-profit organisations :

  • CHF 1000 for individuals, associations or non-profit organisations